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The New Rational Manager/ Kepner, Tregoe
Conditie: Zo goed als nieuw
Onderwerp: Management
Jaar (oorspr.): 1981
In the 1960's, Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe translated a few key logical processes into simple, practical, teachable procedures. Since then, their methods have helped three generations of managers solve problems and make decisions at work. Their book, The New Rational Manager, explains their techniques. It is a classic.To understand what Kepner and Tregoe accomplished, consider their method of "Problem Analysis," perhaps their signature tool. It is a step-by-step procedure for determining the root cause of a problem, such as: "Why is there oil on the floor here?" "Why are sales down in this branch?" "Why is the union threatening to strike now?"
The basic method for identifying a root cause traces back to Aristotle and Francis Bacon. Abstractly, it consists of three steps: concretization, differentiation, and integration by means of causal analysis. On this abstract, descriptive level, the same process is used to discover a murderer, to identify the source of someone's anxiety, or to find the cause of a mechanical malfunction. But such an abstract description does not provide step-by-step guidance, which many people want or need.
Kepner and Tregoe translated this abstract process into clear and simple steps, by designing a chart to capture the facts.
Het boek is in hardcover met papieren omslag ,224 pagina's en in zeer goede staat, de papieren cover heeft lichte gebruiksporen.
Uitgegeven in 1981
Verzendkosten à €3,50 zijn voor de koper, kan afgehaald worden.
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