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psycholinguistics a resource book for students - john field

Prijs: Bieden
Regio: Breda, Noord-Brabant
Sinds: 9 aug, 10:29
Bekeken: 0
AD ID: 9NKR4579
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Conditie: Gelezen


A resource book for students
John Field
Psycholinguistics: covers the core areas of psycholinguistics: language as a human attribute, language and the brain, vocabulary storage and use, language and memory, the four skills (writing, reading, listening, speaking), comprehension, language impairment and deprivation draws on a range of real texts, data and examples, including a BBC Radio Four interview and an essay written by a deaf writer provides classic readings by the key names in the discipline, including Aitchison, Deacon, Logie, Levelt and Bishop.
