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Paintings in Venice
Conditie: Zo goed als nieuw
Jaar (oorspr.): 2002
Auteur: Augusto GentillEngelsstalig
612 pagina's
Ruim 500 illustraties in kleur
EAN: 9780821228135
Uitgegeven: november 2002
A great museum is often the focal point of an artistic metropolis. While Paris is home to the Louvre, London the National Gallery and New York the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the paintings in Venice - some of the most important and magnificent found anywhere on the globe - are not housed under a single roof. Instead, the city as a whole is known as the greatest "storehouse" of paintings in the world. The work of great masters, past and modern alike, like Giovanni Bellini, Titian, Tintoretto, Picasso, Klimt, Chagall and Kandinsky can be viewed in Venice from a variety of vantage points, all quite prestigious.;This volume traces a path of Venice masterpieces from the grand halls of the Gallerie dell'Accademia and Palazzo Ducale to numerous sacred churches, public meeting spaces, private collections and schools.