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Gaudi - An introduction to his architecture - Cirlot

Prijs: € 4,00
Regio: Zaandijk, Noord-Holland
Sinds: 18 jun, 10:58
Bekeken: 0
AD ID: 6QY3W509
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Conditie: Zo goed als nieuw

Onderwerp: Architecten


Paperback (blokmodel), uitgave 2001, 191 blz. boordevol kleurenfoto's. Engelstalig. Boek is in prima staat. Verzendkosten 3,65

In 1966, Juan-Eduardo Cirlot (Barcelona 1916-1973), the art critic and poet, published 'Introduction to the architecture of Gaudi'. In this essay, Cirlot mad a compartative analysis where he related Gaudi's work with that of Picasso, Klimt or Kandinsky, with Nietzsche or Zola, with African architecture.... It was precisely the modernity of his study that made the text a classical reference work that Triangle Postals have republished and complemented with photographs that cover the entire work of Antoni Gaudi, from the little-known projects of his youth to the construction that have become a symbol of Barcelona.
