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Focus - Hocus Pocus (Best Of Focus)

Prijs: € 24,95
Regio: 's-Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland
Sinds: 10 jul, 7:08
Bekeken: 2
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Conditie: Nieuw


2013 EU repressing on 180g LP =Hocus Pocus (Best Of Focus) manages to compile two records filled to the brim with the best that Focus has to offer. The more obvious inclusions such as "Sylvia" and "Hocus Pocus" are included in the track list alon...
Release date: 14-01-2013(originally released in 1993)

2013 EU repressing on 180g LP =Hocus Pocus (Best Of Focus) manages to compile two records filled to the brim with the best that Focus has to offer. The more obvious inclusions such as "Sylvia" and "Hocus Pocus" are included in the track list alongside "House Of The King", "Harem Scarem" and "Anonymus". An essential compilation for all Prog lovers.

A1 Hocus Pocus
A2 Anonymus
A3 Focus (Instrumental)

B1 House Of The King
B2 Focus II
B3 Janis
B4 Tommy
B5 Sylvia
B6 Harem Scarem

C1 Focus III
C2 Mother Focus
C3 Bennie Helder
C4 Glider
C5 Red Sky At Night

D1 Focus IV
D2 Hocus Pocus (U.S. Single Version)
D3 Tropical Bird
D4 Crackers
D5 Black Beauty (2006)
D6 Brazil Love

Hocus Pocus (Best Of Focus) manages to compile two records filled to the brim with the best that Focus has to offer. The more obvious inclusions such as "Sylvia" and "Hocus Pocus" are included in the track list alongside "House Of The King", "Harem Scarem" and "Anonymus".

This is a truly essential compilation for all Prog lovers.

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