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Essential Audio Tools - Mains Multiplier 8
Conditie: Nieuw
Type: Overige kabels
The Mains Multiplier 8 is not a regular multiple socket, more a work of art made on a CNC machine that shapes this form out of one piece synthetic material. Yes… synthetic! The results speak for themselves, optical as well as electrical.-
- 'Star-wired' phase, neutral and earth for best performance
- Protects your equipment by the Pulse Protector inside
- Four analogue contacts and four contacts for digital sources
- IEC connector gives the freedom to use preferred power cord
Working principle
The Mains Multiplier 8 is not a regular multiple socket, more a work of art made on a CNC machine that shapes this form out of one piece synthetic material. Yes… synthetic! The results speak for themselves, optical as well as electrical.
The type of the five outputs is chosen because of the high contact pressure, which is obvious when putting in or pulling out an power plug. More contact pressure and an optimal contact surface do create a low resistance value which is very important for a good power distribution.
The wiring from phase, neutral and earth are connected by a star principle. Every output has its own wiring towards the feed cable. Peaks in the current or interference signals that appear on the earth contacts of one socket will now have less effect on the other sockets.
Just behind the IEC input connector a Pulse Protector is integrated. This prevents peaks and pulses to reach your equipment. For more information, read about the Pulse Protector elsewhere on this site.
Clever phase indicator
The Mains Multiplier 8+ has a very clever way to indicate that it is connected to the mains supply properly. Two LED's will show you if the mains supply's phase is connected properly, if earth is present and if the Mains Multiplier 8+ has an input voltage.
If the Mains Multiplier 8+ is connected the right way, you will see two green lights. If one light is off or one lights is red, something is wrong with your connection. Have a look at the figure for an explanation of the different indications.
Where to use?
Wherever you need to connect multiple loads to the mains, the Mains Multiplier is a wise choice. Of course you will have to use high performance power cords, else the Mains Multiplier will not perform at its best. It's a combination of factors, only if you use the Mains Multiplier in combination with high performance power cords you will have the maximum results for your audio system.
Of course it is possible to use the Mains Multiplier as a ordinary multiple socket without high performance power cords, but this will not give you optimal results. Our advice is to keep on saving, the result will be rewarding.
What to expect?
An improvement in dynamics, a much better sound image and a lower hum level. The sound character of your audio system remains, fortunately!
By using the Mains Multiplier with integrated Pulse Protector your equipment has less trouble with electrical failures induced by distortion on your network, and it is better protected against damage through lightning impact nearby. A guarantee that lightning impacts will not damage your devices can not be given because the energy-content is too high.
What you also need...
The Mains Multiplier 8 is supplied without power cord. It will work with every power cord with a IEC plug C13, as found on most stereo equipment.
However to make you benefit from all the Mains Multiplier qualities you need to connect to the mains supply with a Current Conductor L.
Protecting Phase-Neutral, Phase-Earth and Neutral-Earth
Maximum voltage: 250 Volt
Maximum peak voltage: 2500 Volt
Maximum peak current: 4500 Ampere
Maximum peak energy: 3x65 Joule
Response time: <25 nanoseconds
Maximum continuous current per socket: 6 Ampere
Maximum total current: 10 Ampere
Dimensions: 298(l) x 135(b) x 72.5(h) in mm
Weight: 1.8kg
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